No one’s been this good to me

♬ Dariusz Staropiętka (IPI: 01244561367)
≣ Dariusz Staropiętka (IPI: 01244561367)

UPC: –
©℗ 2024 Dariusz Staropiętka / Ultramix Records

Where faces hide the truth so well,
People buy, and people sell.
They take what’s needed, then they’re gone,
And leave you standing all alone

I’ve seen promises turn to dust,
Kindness fade, as if it must.
But you held on, through it all,
I wonder, will I fall?

But you…

You (you) stayed and showed me care,
Through the noise, you were there
No one’s been this good to me,
Are you real, or will you leave?

But you (you) stayed and showed me care,
Through the noise, you were there
No one’s been this good to me,
Are you real, or will you leave?

(Happy Birthday)
(Happy Birthday to You!)
(Happy Birthday)

For every soul that seems so bright,
There’s a cost that hides behind the light.
Yet here you are, you still remain,
Is this true, or just a game?

I’m scared to trust, but here I stand,
A fragile heart held in your hands.
In this race of masks and schemes,
Will you stay, or are you dream?

But you…

You (you) stayed and showed me care,
Through the noise, you were there
No one’s been this good to me,
Are you real, or will you leave?

But you (you) stayed and showed me care,
Through the noise, you were there
No one’s been this good to me,
Are you real, or will you leave?

Opis sceny: Josie jest przybita i smutna. Przeprasza Alexa, że ma przez nią kłopoty. Wyznaje mu przy okazji, że ma urodziny, że od lat nikt o nich nie pamięta. Alex prosi Josie, żeby nigdzie nie odchodziła, biegnie do swojego biurka, gdzie z kartonu wycina koronę i pisze na niej markerem „Pharma Queen”. W części instrumentalnej piosenki Alex biegnie do receptury, gdzie zdobywa podgrzewacz – świeczkę (Crystal wypycha go z pomieszczania), biegnie do swojego biurka, podpala podgrzewacz, stawia w dziurce donut’a i biegnie do Josie jak z tortem, żeby uczcić jej dzień.