We built this empire

♬ Dariusz Staropiętka (IPI: 01244561367)
≣ Dariusz Staropiętka (IPI: 01244561367)

UPC: –
©℗ 2024 Dariusz Staropiętka / Ultramix Records

Do you remember how hard it was to start
Getting them hooked, like rats in a trap
We spun the wheel, with a smile so wide
They took the bait, with nowhere to hide

I remember, the trials went slow
Convincing them all, they’d never know
Just one more pill, to ease their day
Who would have guessed it’s all a charade

We built this empire, step by step
On trust of fools, that’s what we kept
Each dose a spark, that lights the flame
Now they’re hooked, we’ve sealed their fate
Like laboratory rats they go
The secret’s hidden, they’ll never know

I said: „cut costs, keep it lean”
Why waste time when the path’s unseen
Perfect test subjects right in place
Why chase the future, when it’s in our face

And now they smile, they’re so content
Not knowing where their freedom went
We gave them dreams wrapped up in lies
And pushed the truth right past their eyes

We built this empire, step by step
On trust of fools, that’s what we kept
Each dose a spark, that lights the flame
Now they’re hooked, we’ve sealed their fate
Like laboratory rats they go
The secret’s hidden, they’ll never know

Do you think they’ll ever wake
See the cage we had to make
They’re lost, so deep inside
They’ll keep on taking pills for the ride

We built this empire, step by step
On trust of fools, that’s what we kept
Each dose a spark, that lights the flame
Now they’re hooked…

We built this empire, step by step
On trust of fools, that’s what we kept
Each dose a spark, that lights the flame
Now they’re hooked, we’ve sealed their fate
Like laboratory rats they go
The secret’s hidden, they’ll never know

Do you remember, how hard it began
Don’t leave me…

Opis sceny: W obliczu zdarzeń Crystal postanawia zrezygnować z pracy. Monica próbuje ją zatrzymać mówiąc, że „to imperium zbudowały razem”, a kiedy to nie skutkuje oferuje Crystal podwojenie uposażenia. Crystal zgadza się kontynuować swoją pracę.